Wednesday, June 24

AHHH Laughter....

Oh, these moments are so precious and prized! I know there are alot of you out there that COMPLETELY understand when I say that raising a teenage girl is a ride on a roller coaster! Especially, if you are her mother. Boy-- if I had a dollar for every time she was mad at me, rolled her eyes or thought that I was babying or mothering too much....well I'd be able to quit my job. So, in these moments when I get to see her express sheer joy and hapiness, I realize why I keep doing those everyday things that I do to hack her off....In these moments, I get a glimpse of who she really is and occassionally when I am super lucky...I get what I think may be a glimpse of who she will be in the future. She is one AWESOME kid!

1 comment:

Connie said...

OMG!! I thought it was only me that found mothering a teenager so challenging!! You are so right about those few times that you get to see who they really are without all the fighting!!! Thanks for sharing and making my night!!