Wednesday, April 21

Times to Cherish and Savor.... post has nothing to do with the is just there for decoration purposes. I sometimes use my blog to "scrapbook" some of lifes funny times so that once I actually get to scrapbooking I will remember some of the things I need to get down. Last night we sat at the dinner table with my beautiful teenage daughter and talked. We talked about school and stupid things that people did during the day, we talked about softball and we talked about family. It is always great when we do this. As I was driving to work this morning, I had the warm fuzzies thinking about our evening. We had struggles for several years getting girl to the point where she would open up and chat. We rushed through dinner and had the when your done you can leave the table policy (unspoken). Something has happened since high school started, alot of somethings. My Sam is growing up...she has been for a long time but I can really start to see who she is and I think she is figuring out who she is. We have slowed down. I had a friend once say that of her two daughters, one was a child that when she wanted to do something with them or talk they knew they had to drop everything and pay attention because she was not the type of child that always did those things with them. Thank God I heard that statement! At the table I have had to tell my self to not get up! And it is so worth it! When Sam was in jr. high I so missed that warm whole hearted feeling that you get when you look at them when they are babies. The cool thing now is that if I take time to stop and reflect, I do get that same glowing, love you so much I could eat ya up feeling that I had for her when she was a baby. It is awesome to sit here and feel that even as I type. I want to forever remember that smile she had on her face last night as she headed off to bed, the one that is SO big that you can see that dimple that she has only on the right side of her face. So, as I start to make decisions on whether I should take a $5 an hour pay cut so that I dont have to miss ball games and Saturday mornings, this morning it is very clear to me what the answer to that delimma is. As I figue it, we roughly have 72 Saturday mornings (she is at dads the other 72) before the end of high school. I would rather not work those away, I would rather be there for the great hits, amazing 3 point hoop shots, growly mornings after up all night sleep overs and all those other moments that are once in a lifetime opportunities.


Diane said...

This needs a "like" button! ;-)

Melisa Waldorf said...

Love that you used the die instead of plain squares on this layout! Great card and I love the colors. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog last month and leaving such a sweet comment. Have a great week.

Vicky Hayes said...

I love this post Eva. So many mothers 'lose' their daughters because they don't have time for them. You are blessed! (I also love your card!)