Wednesday, December 12

Ice, Ice Baby....

And I was on such a roll getting projects done...but since I don't work well when my fingers are cold progress was put to a halt yesterday after the ice storm. If you look really close at the top of the picture you can see our power line holding on for dear life...unfortunately the lines down the street caused a tree fire and they shut us off anyway. It's amazing how many times we hit a light switch in a day and don't realize it until nothing happens when you are hitting that switch. These pictures are of our big elm tree did all this damage! There will be a whole lot less shade next summer that's for sure. I am just thankful that we only had to go 8 hours without electricity--there are neighboring towns completely out and people in Salina that are still without as well. We have no phone or TV yet which means no computer at home--but we have heat and warm water...and of course each other!


Mrs. Nancy G said...

Yikes... not fun. Isn't it something when the weather reminds us that we are not in control and the many blessing of modern technology.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord! I'm so happy to know you and your family are doing good. I love girl! Merry Christmas from our home to yours!!!