Sunday, November 25

All Done With That!

YIPPEE!! I am all done with that project...I have been working on parts of that project since summer (mid summer). These have been done by request for a group of folks for Christmas. see a little blue in there...there is one token male in the group :) and we couldn't leave him out! The letters- I found them at Hobby Lobby...I think they were $1.99 but who pays full price for anything at Hobby Lobby? Not ME! The beads glued in the centers of each little flower- that idea was from Awna...that's alot of beads and with glue on your fingers-- very time consuming. But they look good when they are done.


Dawn said...

These are great. I love all the little details you added. What a wonderful job you did. Love that blue one...How nice for you to add a boy in

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Wonderful!!! I love each and every one of them!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I am actually getting time to get caught up on the computer and so happy I am getting to check out your projects!! As always great work!!! You are so talented!!! Can't wait until "small fry" lets me actually do some projects!! Great job
Miss ya